
indescribeable - personal thoughts || vancouver wedding photographer

do you ever sometimes stop what you are doing and really take a step back from this crazy thing we call life and look around?

people..mountains..the they all work together just so (for the most part!).

i was sitting in church on sunday and my friend jj was singing this song that instantaneously brought me to tears..

here are the words...

Indescribeable by Chris Tomlin

From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God

All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God

All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God

i don't know what your belief or value system is..but i had to stop and collect myself..every single bird that flies by my window. every tree that sprouts from the mountain to the northwest of me. every drop of rain that falls from the vancouver skies (and there are a heckuva lot!) every gorgeous cherry blossom that springs forth. they are all with purpose. god placed them in their little places here on this great earth.

and that i, too, have such purpose.. wow.. 

thanks god for stopping me in my tracks to reflect how fricking amazing you are, how you know i'm gonna fall on my face, and how i'm going to triumph.  you rock. xoxo

i found this video on youtube..amazing..


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