
first blog of our trip!

so here we sit in the vancouver airport (from here on in, i will affectionately call it, for those of you not familiar with air lingo). our flight doesn't leave til 1 am. the kids were bored..surprise our first stop: starbucks, of course. :)

from there we walked the halls of the domestic terminal then decided to head to security, as we saw the line-up for PAL (philippine airlines) was, no joke, a good city block. whoa. good thing we were flying CATHAY!

we meandered thru security where i successfully pegged caleb in the eye with my bag as i whipped it over my shoulder, and he was standing close to me asking why i kept beeping.(i was the last of us four to get thru security cuz of what else? my silver jewelry and dead rockstars belt)... giggle.. poor son.. he did, however recover quite nicely... :)

we found our gate - gate 54 - altho there is a pic of gate 53...cuz it was a pretty picture...ya, ya.. we are currently in gate 66 right across from 54 tho, where there is no one, and is much more peaceful...gate 54 has a child's play area..and children playing on there at this ungodly hour at an airport = headache before we ever get off the air..caleb playing his PSP..jonathan texting on his phone some profound thoughts..rosie showing me the way her hair can go in this new way to do a bun..and me..well, i am on my macbook... :)

so probably the next time you will hear from us is when we arrive in the city of manila, the land we used to call home..and where we wont stop sweating til we get home.



Chris said...

cant wait to see you guys....

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